Full support

Your truffle plantation creation and monitoring project

Analyse du sol pour truffières : Accompagnement et expertise en trufficulture.
Step #1

Pre-analysis of the soil

I have the 3 essential criteria for a truffle-growing project assessed


48,00 € H.T. for a sample
Decreasing according to number of samples

Analyse du sol pour truffières : expertise, sciences, formation et conseil
Step 2

Soil analysis

I have the truffle-growing potential of my land assessed by a full agronomic analysis


170,00 € H.T.for a sample
Decreasing according to number of samples

Pre-analysis of the soil is not compulsory, but it can be used to make an initial selection of sites at a lower cost.
A full agronomic analysis of the soil is always essential before any planting project.
Accompagnement expert pour la culture des truffes : conseils avisés sur la plantation et la gestion des truffières.
Step 3

PLANTING - 1 year

I get turnkey support to set up my truffle farm

Adjustable formula

Optimisez votre trufficulture avec une expertise pointue : plantation d'arbres, suivi rigoureux, analyses pour une récolte optimale de truffes.
Step 4

Follow-up - 3 years

I'll be monitored in the management of my young truffle field

Adjustable formula

To find out more

  1. You sample your soil according to our protocol and send us your samples.
  2. We carry out the agronomic pre-analysis in-house
    Estimation of the three key criteria :
    – pH
    Chalk content
    – Texture
  3. We’ve put these results down in an explanatory note with our initial advice!
  1. You sample your soil according to our protocol and send us your samples.
  2. We carry out the agronomic analysis in the laboratory
    Content of the analysis :
    Granulometry: clay, fine silts, coarse silts, fine sands, coarse sands, water pH, KCl pH, total limestone, active limestone, organic matter, total nitrogen and C/N ratio, available phosphorus
    Exchangeable bases: K, Mg, Ca, Na
    Metson CEC and saturation rate
  3. We assess your results and present them to you in a report and during an interview with our consultants!

Individual work sessions – TrainingCoaching by videoconference :

  • How to think through your project and prepare properly before planting: the main truffle-growing rules, mistakes not to be made, legislation, equipment, etc.
  • Preparing the soil before planting
  • Definition of the planting plan, choice of tree species, project budgeting
  • First steps after planting: looking after the young truffle plantation
  • Complementary sessions open to all questions relating to the project

Additional individual work sessions- TrainingCoaching by videoconference :

  • Management of the young truffle plantation for the first 3 years after planting
  • Managing a truffle plantation of productive age
  • Complementary sessions open to all questions relating to the project

Send us your request

Accompagnement complet

Complétez notre formulaire pour nous faire parvenir votre demande :
#1 Complétez vos informations personnelles et cliquez sur Suivant
#2 Complétez les informations sur votre projet et cliquez sur Envoyer

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